the possibility of putting down spontaneous riots.the possibility of modifying the appearance of new units: drones, police vans, armed extremists, police.the possibility of adding buildings (power plants) to the map.the possibility of changing a country's chief of state or changing a character's politcal party.the creation of illegal groups with a suitable allotment of regions under their control, configuration of their armed forces, adjustment of their might and their local popularity.the creation of mods to play as the legal (or illegal) opposition.

New features (compared to the Masters of the World modding tool) easily share your creations (host and download from our website, directly send mods from the game.).enrich the scenarios with new character faces and names, new logos and group names with the customization kit that can be used with the modding tool.remake history by creating scenarios starting in the past or the future, from year 1900.

with the option of defining several conditions for triggering these events, and editing game text.)